Are You On The Firm List
Dave McLean
Member info
User since: 14 Dec 1998
Articles written: 18
Site Description: If you're looking for a list of firms in your area, or if you're just ego surfing to find out if you've made it to the "big-time," check out The Firm List a guide to web design firms created by Matte Elsbernd (aka one of us).

It's a well designed site, with that slick futuristic (I want to call it "fifties kitchen") look, and it's useful too. Designers and firms can be sought by major design centres or smaller locales, all around the world.
Are you on The Firm List? Click
here to find out.
A founder of, Dave McLean (damclean) is Principal and Creative Director of dw creative, located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Dave has more than 10 years of experience in visual and written communications. Developing two-bit sites for the Web since just after its inception, Dave is currently working full-time in the marketing department of a public community college.
As a founding member of Dave once held the position of Minister of Propaganda. He now sits one the sidelines heckling the current administration. You hippies!
Dave readily admits he stole his Bio template from the infamous aardvark, but has since converted it to his own purposes.