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Community News August 2002
Another month gone, another stack of accomplishments by the community. As a reminder, this is open to anyone in thecommunity, so if you missed a chance to href="">toot your horn, add acomment, and watch for the announcement for next month's
At the beginning of August we successfully moved all (5) of's servers from their old home at href="" title="link to Starkmedia"target="_new">Starkmedia to Ron Dorman's facility's href="" title="link to CSI 1st"target="_new">CSI. Thanks to everyone that helped in the move andthe subsequent setup and testing. Special thanks go to href="" title="djc" target="_new">Dan Codywho has setup, hosted, and maintained the servers for so long and whoprepared them for the move; to title="Matt Warden" target="_new">Matt Warden who drove the 900miles between Milwaukee and Altavista but also the 800 miles from hishome to Milwaukee in order to transport the servers; and to Ron Dormanfor the current hosting and maintenance of the servers and the largeamount of setup that he and Dan went through to get them all inworking order. Finally thanks to all of the members that dontatedmoney in order to fund the move. It is very much appreciated.The second edition of href=""
target="_new">Information Architecture for the World Wide Web isout and features, among other sites, our own community. Ourown Javier Velasco waslisted in the href="">acknowledgements.Congratulations to all that were involved in the project.Finally, the first of the browser archive has its first mirror site donated by the boys.
Help support
We're now again able to accept monetary gifts through:
Our address for monetary gifts or giving inquiries is href=""> We will
soon have a snail mail address (for checks, money orders, etc.).We're looking for other on-line, commercial (in other words,
not personal bank account), low-cost moneytransferring capabilities so that non-US residents may more easilyhelp support Please writeus if you know of any good commercial services in yourcountry.Here's more information on href="/help_support_evolt/index.html">how to help support Thanks for your interest!Beervolts

Our members
David Bindel
David Bindel finished his Computer Science 2308 course at Southwest
Texas State University (SWT) with a 4.0 GPA! What's extra-cool aboutthis? He's a high school sophomore. Check out the website he isbuilding for his high school (San Marcos High School) at href=""target="_new"> Hand-coded and fullyXHTML- and CSS-compliant with a PHP/MySQL backend. Look at thosetabs!Simon Coggins
I was lucky enough to do quite well in this year's 5k awards (href=""
target="_new"> My entry "A Scale Model ofthe Solar System" (href=""target="_new"> joint 2nd place for Concept and Originality, was one of theEditor's picks in the most educational (href=""target="_new"> and was ratedin the top 20 in the public vote (href=""target="_new"> Menon
Madhu was interviewed at one of India's largest portals.
The Monthly Recap is a summary of awards, meetings, and
fresh opportunities relevant to all of us. Submitted items from monthto month may be of varying relevance to others depending on the numberof opportunities. The important thing, though, is that you can sharemore about yourself, and learn more about the people that make up href="/article/roundup/27/18210/index.html" title="The evolt.orgMonthly Recap">the Monthly Recap introductoryarticle.If you're proud of it, send it
in. Don't be shy.Please send all submissions via the href="/contact/index.html">contact form. Any queries or
clarifications can be sent via the same method.