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Are You Going To Burn Your Gifs Today
Legal issues and strengths/weaknesses of each format aside, what I want to know is: are web developers actually willing to make the leap to using PNGs yet? I think the main concern is browser compatibility. According to this page, current browser support is existent, but buggy, and pre-4.0 support is pretty much non-existent.
Speaking personally as a web developer, I'm not sure I'd be willing to risk losing compatibility with all of the browsers (pre-4.0) that don't have PNG support. Using special >=4.0 features like JavaScript1.2 or dHTML is okay with me because the page can still work without them, but with PNGs, you're risking having the user stare at a page full of broken/garbled/nonexistent images.
I certainly have no problems with PNG as a format. I'm a optimization nut; I like to squeeze every bit of size out of my images and HTML, and PNG does compress better than GIF in many situations. But until there's better/full browser support for it, and the pre-4.0 browsers finally go the way of the dinosaurs, I'll be sticking with GIFs and my Unisys-licensed copy of Adobe Photoshop.