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Abracadabra Automating Analog And Report Magic
Analog may be the most popular Web stats analyzer in the world, but it isn't the most intuitive program for Windows users to automate. These step-by-step instructions will get the program working on your server, like magic.For the sake of brevity, I'll assume that you can download and install Analog and Report Magic. If you can't do that, you probably shouldn't be writing scheduled batch files anyway.
Ta da! You're automatically generating Analog web stats report.
Step 1: Your Analog CFG file
There is nothing magical about setting up a good CFG file for Analog. Since CFG files are roughly the same for each platform, I won't waste your time here. Instead, I'll provide you with a few useful links:- Analog documentation — which tells you how to create a CFG file.
- The RixWeb CFG file creator — which will create a CFG file for you.
- This example CFG file — which you can use for inspiration
Step 2: Your Report Magic INI file
Report Magic INI files need to know where to find your DAT file and where to write the HTML files for the Web Stats report. In this case, here are the relevant links:- Report Magic Settings Documentation - where you can read about creating an INI file.
- This example INI file which you can use for inspiration.
Step 3: Your Manual Batch File
If you're setting up Analog or Report Magic for the first time, you'll want to create a batch file that generates historical reports - those for previous month/years that you'll want to view statistics for.The manual batch file needs to include two lines for each report generated. The first is the Analog command. The command above specifies: 1) the location of analog.exe; 2) the log files to be included in the report; and 3) the .CFG file to be executed. For example:call c:\analog\analog.exe c:\LogFiles\W3SVC9\ex0203*.log +g"c:\stats\config\my.cfg" -G
The second line for each report is the Report Magic command. This command specifies: 1) the location of the rmagic.exe; and 2) the location of the .INI file. For example:call c:\analog\rmagic.exe c:\stats\config\my.ini
This example generates monthly reports for 2002.Step 4: The Automated Batch File
The automated batch file takes the same format as a manual batch file. However, at the beginning of the batch file you must first fetch the current month/year:@ echo off
set yy%date:~12,2%
set mm=%date:~4,2%
Then, use the same commands, replacing the appropriate portion of the log file name:call c:\analog\analog.exe c:\LogFiles\W3SVC9\ex%yy%%mm%*.log +g"c:\stats\config\my.cfg" -G
call c:\analog\rmagic.exe c:\stats\config\my.ini
This example generates a monthly Web stats report.Step 5: Use Windows Task Scheduler
Using Windows Task Scheduler, specify a time when you want the batch file to run. For detailed instruction, visit the Analog web site